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liebermann Reagent

This reagent can only be manufactured using concentrated sulphuric (sulfuric) acid (>85% concentration but ideally 95-98%).


Concentrated sulphuric (sulfuric) acid over 15% has been made illegal to have in ones possession unless your are a Business (with a requirement for that restricted chemical) or you have a valid EPP licence purchased from the Home Office (takes ~ 28 days) and costs over £30.


As such we can ONLY sell this reagent to individuals/businesses that meet the above requirements.


Possession of such a restricted chemical in any amount (even less than 0.1mL) is an offense with a prison sentence, up to 2 years,  and or a fine.


If you wish to purchase this reagent then please contact us directly to discuss.

The Liebermann reagent named after Hungarian chemist Leo Liebermann (1852-1926) is used as a simple spot-test to presumptively identify alkaloids as well as other compounds. It is composed of a mixture of potassium nitrite and concentrated sulfuric acid.[1][2] 1g of potassium nitrite is used for every 10 mL of sulfuric acid.[3] Potassium nitrite may also be substituted by sodium nitrite.[4][5] It is used to test for cocaine, morphine, PMA and PMMA.

The test is performed by scraping off a small amount of the substance and adding a drop of the reagent (which is initially clear and colorless). The results are analyzed by viewing the color of the resulting mixture, and by the time taken for the change in color to become apparent.

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